Why Impact Fellows?

Our mission is to improve the lives of generations of young children and their families by supporting 501(c)(4) legislative and electoral advocacy for pro-child and family state policies and funding.

Despite bipartisan appeal, and near universal public support, young children and families do not receive the attention they deserve from our lawmakers. 501(c)(3) advocates for young children find that they’re massively outspent by other interest groups, and their inability to engage in political action often keeps their hands tied in an unfair fight for political attention.

How Impact Fellows Action Fund amplifies young child and family advocates

We provide advocates and grassroots leaders with the necessary funding and supports to take 501(c)(4) political action–often helping them start or expand a 501(c)(4) organization.

We start each year of funding by analyzing data from all 50 states to identify opportunities most primed for political action to benefit young children and families. We then reach out to advocates and grassroots leaders in these states to learn their strategies for success. After reviewing strategies and stated needs, we make our final funding decisions for the year based on where aid can affect the most positive change. Some states receive cash grants. Others receive technical assistance and may receive funds in the future. We connect any and all states with those we are supporting so peers can exchange of ideas and real time strategies.

Discover where Impact Fellows lives on the spectrum of early childhood advocacy.

Areas of Impact

Every funding decision we make is weighed against our four Areas of Impact. We believe these are key to affecting positive change for young children and families for generations to come.

  • Advance Racial Equity
  • Increased pro-young child and family political advocates, voters, candidates, and winning candidates
  • Increased pro-child and family legislation and funding
  • Increased capacity for political advocacy for young children and families